
Know Your Serger

Description: 1 Session -Beg -$55
Teacher: Suzie White
For all brands. Want to learn more about that serger that intrigues but frustrates you? This class is also free to all customers who have purchased their serger from Marie’s ($10 refundable deposit required). Most classes will require you to purchase a workbook. Join this fun and informative class. Operable machines ONLY required. You must have full knowledge of hot to thread your machine, or have attend the “Help me thread my serger” class.
7/12 -Tues -7:00-9:00
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm EDT
Duration: 2 hours
Priority: 5-Medium
Access: Public
Updated: Friday, May 27, 2016 2:54pm GMT